Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Here We Are !!!!!!!

Welcome to our new blog. 
We will be keeping you all up to date with regular postings, photos & other interesting updates.

As most of you will already know that over the Easter break,  VICE Compliancing moved to our new location here at Tweed Heads South. As you can see from the photo the workshop is large enough to accommodate even the largest of the RV's, the National RV Caribbean.
This is an exciting project for all involved & a big thanks to Des for allowing us to convert & comply this well appointed motor home. I know there are a few other Caribbean owners that will be most interested in the progress that will be forwarded through this blog. If any of you out there have any further questions regarding motor home importation, conversions or compliancing, you can comment at the bottom of the page or contact us directly. Our contact details can be located on the right hand side of page "About Me". Don't forget you can also subscribe by email so you never miss a post.